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The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds Book Study

The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds Book Study

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We started this study group on April 15 , with a live guest appearance from John Muir Laws during the noon group session. If you missed this, you are still welcome to join us!  Participants in the group will work on their own at their own pace, and share their progress during our weekly watercolor journaling gatherings. When you register we will send you zoom link and copy of youtube of his visit to our initial group session on April 15, 2024.


John Muir Laws is an award-winning naturalist, educator, and artist. His guide to Drawing Birds is considered an important and valuable reference for those interested in learning the fundamentals of bird drawing techniques that will enhance your skills and increase observation and perception.  The lessons in the text teach basic principles with a primary goal  of encouraging one to move through the world with curiosity, joy and a deeper relationship with birds and nature.   Participants will need the required text, journal, a Net Loft Laws Bird tool kit  or supplies from list gathered from your collection, watercolor paints, brushes, a colored pencil set and a pair of binoculars.
Those who have many of the supplies on hand from previous courses may review kits below as a checklist of suggested items.


Journal   -   for recording daily lessons.


TOOL KITS (follow link to purchase) (Items in the kits are also available to purchase individually) 

suggested materials kits and supplies: 

Copper River Fleece Seawatcher 

Net Loft Laws Drawing Kit

Net Loft Laws Watercolor Sets


Basic supplies sold singly:

Highly recommended, but not included in kits


Fine or Ultra-fine Platinum Fountain Pen, choose color and style

Colored Pencil Sets (Regular and/or Watercolor)


Watercolor Paint Sets

A double primary is recommended. Many choices here. For guidance contact Dotty at The Net Loft.  One plan would be to follow John Muir Laws 12 color pick for this study. 

Here are some color suggestions for paint if you are interested in creating your own palette.    *John Muir Laws 12 color pick

*Bloodstone Genuine

*Buff Titanium

*Burnt Sienna

*Dioxazine Violet/Windsor Violet

*Hansa Yellow Light

*Indanthrone Blue

*Neutral Tint

*Pyroll Red

*Permanent Orange

*Perylene Green

*Pthalo Blue (Red Shade)

*Quinacridone Pink

*Serpentine Genuine

Other favorites from other sources

Lemon Yellow

Cadmium Yellow Light

Cadmium Red Medium Hue

Green Gold

Sap Green

Cerulean Blue, or Cerulean Blue Chromium


French Ultramarine

Pthalo Blue (green shade)

Quinacridone Burnt Scarlet

Quinacridone VIolet

Winsor Violet

Shadow Violet

Quinacridone Gold

Van Dyke Brown

Other items needed


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